Kalina Bolingbroke


Kalina Bolingbroke

First appointed: 4 October 2023

Term of current appointment: 4 October 2023 to 4 October 2025


Kalina is a Competence Based Trainer, Training Coordinator and Analyst at Alstom Transport UK, responsible for the planning and booking of all training courses and assessments to around 250 staff across 3 depots as well as maintaining the calendar of 6 trainers.

Kalina is also the only trainer who delivers First Aid and Fire Warden to employees at Alstom.

Kalina has been a part of Caring Kits for Kids from the start, in one way or another, supporting Mark with raising funds, shopping for the kits, packing and delivering the kits to North Middlesex University Hospital in Tottenham and St. George’s University Hospital in Tooting.